
Making a Bubble Bomb with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Making a Bubble Bomb with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Baking soda and vinegar bombs..

Instead of launching a film canister, you can pop a plastic bag with the carbon dioxide gas produced from the baking soda and vinegar reaction.

All you need is a zip-lock sandwich bag and a paper towel: (Do this experiment outdoors or in the kitchen sink and always wear safety glasses!)

* Place one and a half tablespoons of baking soda in the center of a paper towel and fold up the towel into a square package to hold the powder inside.
* Into the zip-lock sandwich bag add half a cup of vinegar and a quarter cup of warm water.
* Put the paper towel package into the mouth of the zip-lock bag and hold it out of the vinegar by pinching the sides of the plastic bag.
* Zip the bag closed then let the paper towel drop into the vinegar.

The bag will fill up with carbon dioxide gas and pop with a bang, so make sure it's in a sink or outside.
Baking soda and vinegar bombs..

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